Product Design Services

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Taking in all aspects in a single view.

Our experience in the worldwide marketplace aids our clients in refining their products or developing new products. We have the product design expertise to make a concept a reality.

When bringing products to market it is important to take into account all of regulatory and compliance aspects. At Panoptik Compliance Solutions we do just that, we take into account all regulatory design considerations including EMC, Electrical and Machinery Safety, Reliability and Hazardous Locations.

PANOPTiK Compliance Solutions, Inc., is an out-growth of the expertise available from helping hundreds of clients bring their products to market at Professional Testing (EMI), Inc. As an independent group aside from the testing and certification process, PANOPTiK's experts provide solutions to complex regulatory designs and issues. Our product design expertise can provide innovative ideas that bring success to their clients' products. Additionally, our experience in a wide variety of industries including military, aerospace, medical, wireless, information technology, consumer products and industrial machinery means we have the varied experience necessary to aid clients in refining their products or developing new ones no matter what the industry. Here are a couple of our success stories to illustrate our versatility.

Product Design takes expertise. PANOPTiK's expertise can help with all design questions.


As an instance, one of our partner projects

PANOPTiK relishes the challenges of finding solutions to problems. As a case in point, take a look at our partnership with Multi Radiance Medical in the form PhotoOpTx and its product, the Retilux. The goal was is to change how DME- Diabetic Macular Edema- is treated and improve how we see in the future. Through innovative research the PhotoOpTx team developed a safe, non-pharmacological and effective laser therapy device aimed to enhance the overall quality of life by preventing or mitigating visual disorders experienced over the entire human lifespan. The product is available for Investigational use currently.


In addition, here is little something we are doing on our own:

At PANOPTiK, we have an interest in providing solutions for the future. At the request by one of our area schools, we developed a mobile cart solution for bringing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) activities to their classroom. Consequently, our response was Discovery Maker. First, designed to be more than a delivery vehicle for activities, the Discovery Maker carts themselves become an interactive part of the exploration process. Secondly, we turned our experienced eye to the type of activities we recommend. Above all, we work with the end-user on finding solutions and providing engagement in learning situations.

We are fortunate that our projects are varied and interesting. We finesse products used in everything from explosive atmosphere environments to medical technology solutions to providing and promoting student engagement in schools or libraries.  Find out how PANOPTiK Compliance Solutions can aid in solutions for your products' design challenges. Ask how we can help you today.

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